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The NASDTEC Educator Identification Clearinghouse is the national collection point for actions taken against an educators license or certificate. NASDTEC, through the Clearinghouse maintains a database of all disciplinary actions reported by NASDTEC members and disseminates this information to all participating NASDTEC jurisdictions.


Interstate Agreement

The interstate agreement, arranged by NASDTEC, is a collection of over 50 individual agreements by states and Canadian provinces. Each individual "agreement" is a statement by that state or jurisdiction outlining which other states' educator certificates will be accepted by that state. Specifically the agreement outlines which particular types of educator certificates (teachers, administrators, service personnel, or career/technical), and which particular styles of certifications (titles, fields, etc.) will be accepted.



The Best and Most Comprehensive Source of Information on Teacher Education and Certification in the United States and Canada.

  • Certification requirements for 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, and several Canadian Provinces. 
  • Listings by jurisdiction of all colleges and universities in the United States with approved professional preparation programs.
  • Professional Practices which includes information on fingerprinting, background checks, and educator discipline.
  • Links to valuable resources for each jurisdiction.
  • Details of the NASDTEC Interstate Certification Agreement.

If you are a teacher, administrator, or school support person (or are considering becoming one), the NASDTEC KnowledgeBase is your guide to the continent's education system.


Legislative Landscape

The Legislative Landscape is designed to monitor state and national legislative activity; compile reports for NASDTEC members; facilitate knowledge through webinars; coordinate group/regional meetings; develop model language on key issues; and serve as an advocate who supports NASDTEC’s goals and members in the policy arena.