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NASDTEC KnowledgeBase


Since 1984, the National Association of Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) Jurisdiction Members have cooperated to share state-specific information regarding the preparation and licensure of educators through the KnowledgeBase of Preparation and Certification of Educational Personnel (KnowledgeBase). First distributed as a printed manual, the KnowledgeBase is now provided through interactive data maps while retaining its historical recognition as a reliable source of state-by-state information about the preparation, certification, and fitness of teachers and other school personnel.


No edition of the KnowledgeBase is possible without the cooperation and work of state agency personnel who read and update sections of the data on behalf of their jurisdictions to ensure accurate information. NASDTEC extends a special thanks to each and all of those persons who make the KnowledgeBase possible. 

Current Tables:

Educator Job Postings (Public)

Directory of Main Websites of Jurisdictions (Public) 

Public Educator Certification Lookup (Members only) 

Jurisdiction-Approved Educator Preparation Programs (Public)

Public Educator Misconduct Lookup (Members only)

Certification Reference Tables (Members only)

New KnowledgeBase Licensure Information (Members only)

If you have a question or find a broken link, please contact us.